“The white liberal must rid himself of the notion that there can be a tension-less transition from the old order of injustice to the new order of justice … the Negro cannot achieve emancipation by passively waiting for the white race voluntarily to grant it to him. The Negro has not gained a single right […]


The WFU Police Data has been released! This is a victory because it was only the diligent work of student organizing last semester that put enough pressure on the administration to hire outside investigators to audit the Wake Forest University police department. Unfortunately, the content of the actual report leaves a lot to be desired. […]

More photos coming soon.

What is this fear that has been sowed into the hearts of so many individuals? Why is it that fear has been used to encourage us to live “morally” “without sin” and “for The Lord?” What about us makes us less worthy of God’s Grace and Love? Why do we have to forfeit one of […]

I’ve noticed a pattern this week. Apparently it’s never the time or place. From the flash mob at mosaic, to writing Chris Paul, it’s never the time or place. I wonder how many times those who have gone before us in the Civil Rights movement received the same criticism? So here it is, #DearChris.  Join […]

Dear Mr. LeDuc, Thank you for contacting me this week.  After reading your message and carefully considering all that you shared, I want you to know that I and many others at Wake Forest believe this is a conversation in which all of us at Wake Forest can participate.  And, we look forward to doing […]

On Thursday, April 24th 2014, a group of concerned students took the stage at Wake Forest’s MOSAIC event, intended for prospective minority students. They collectively read a poem written by Nina Foster ’15 and stood together in solidarity.   “When word reached admissions that a poem would be performed that could possibly be contrary to […]

Chief Lawson             We are addressing this open letter to you as a collective, rather than as individuals and plan to share it among administrators, faculty, and students. On Thursday, March 6th, at a town hall meeting focusing on campus security, you cited several statistics indicating that a disproportionate numbers of minority students are regularly […]